Veteran Tree Retention

Trees have different life stages; young, mature, and veteran (old, overmature) trees all require very different management and maintenance programs.  Arc Tree Consulting specializes in the development of care programs designed to retain veteran trees.

What are Veteran Trees?

Illustration by Sarah Wroot from “Veteran Trees: A guide to good management.” Helen Read. 2000.

Veteran trees are usually defined as having biological, cultural, or historical interest; they are usually old compared to other members of their species; veterans are often (but not always) recognized by their misshapen forms, scars, hollows, and shrinking canopies (vascular retrenchment).  While by some, they are considered visually imperfect, these forest members (urban or wild) provide lasting and irreplaceable contributions to our environment and our spirit.

Veteran Tree Management

Veterans have much different care programs than young (establishing) trees or mature (established) trees.  Types of maintenance used to manage the other life stages may be counterproductive to retaining veteran trees.  Conversely, practices that are avoided for young and mature trees may be regularly employed for veteran tree care. 

Plans are custom to the individual tree and its steward; they range from simple, DIY recommendations to formal written plans that include arborist management duties.